The VFX work I did for Forbidden Revelry. There are many particles I would like to improve and make better, but I learned a lot on this project and will be able to apply that on future projects.
Gameplay walkthrough of forbidden Revelry.
Crypt modeled and textured David Watson. I added the waterfall and particles with the river of moving water.
Fountain modeled and textured by Bev Showalter. I made the water for the fountain.
A blood particle effect.
Once they spawn in they will stay active.
The cross get's slowly corrupted over time that can be controlled through a BP.
The door open effect when the player first goes to the crypt.
Fear particle that was scrapped from the game, but reused later when the player uses the devil card.
Particle for then the fire ball is moving.
Particle when the fire ball hits something. Made in Embergen.
Particle when the lover's ball is moving.
Particle when lover's ball hits something.
Mind control particle effect.
Particle that plays when monks are under mind control.
A stylized fire that was not used in the game. Made in Embergen.